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MS and Body Cooling Research: 1959 to the present

The mission of this page is to provide web links for medical papers, clinical study results and various articles that have been published on the effects of heat on people with MS and the benefits of cooling. We are making no medical, clinical or any other type of recommendations in regard to this subject. Please consult your health care professional before buying or using any body cooling product.

Excellent Overviews on MS and Cooling:

MSAA Multiple Sclerosis and Cooling, 3rd edition
Written by: Adam Roberts and Judith Harper-Bennie
Edited by: Jack Burks, M.D., Andrea Borkowski, Susan Wells Courtney and Neal Zoren

Why MS and Cooling?
A video of Dr. Daniel Kantor at the Consortium of MS Clinics, 2014

Neurology Care; Cooling Therapy
April, 2011 by Dr. Allen C. Bowling, M.D., Ph.D.

Research and Articles by Date:


Whole-body cooling does not compromise muscle oxidative capacity in subjects with MS
NeuroRehabilitation 2014 Rehabilitation Research Center (REVAL), Biomed, Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium. Heart Centre Hasselt, Jessa Hospital, Hasselt, Belgium.

Body Temp is elevated and linked to fatigue in relapsing remitting MS, even without heat exposure.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 July

An Overview of Heat Intolerance and MS
Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D.

  • Scott Davis (1104.17)

  • 2012

    MS Symptoms and Heat
    March, 2012; Multiple Sclerosis Research, Barts and the London School of Medicine


    Warm Weather May Cloud Thinking in MS Patients
    Kessler Foundation in West Orange, N.JFebruary, 2011
    AAN: In MS, Memory Melts in Warm Weather, by Crystal Phend, Senior Staff Writer, MedPage Today
    Published: February 17, 2011

    Head pre-cooling improves symptoms of heat-sensitive multiple sclerosis patients.
    by Luke F ReynoldsChristine A ShortDavid A WestwoodStephen S Cheung


    Temperature and MS Multiple Sclerosis Society - UK   February, 2010

    WebMD, Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise  March, 2010

    Thermoregulation in Multiple Sclerosis November, 2010

    Thermoregulation in Multiple Sclerosis.
    Davis SL, Wilson TE, White AT, Frohman EM. 
    J Appl Physiol. 2010 Jul 29. [Epub ahead of print]


    Peripheral nerves are progressively involved in multiple sclerosis--a hypothesis from a pilot study of temperature sensitized electroneurographic screening.
    Hidasi E, Dioszeghy P, Csépany T, Mechler F, Bereczki D.
    Med Hypotheses. 2009 May;72(5):562-6. Epub 2009 Jan 19.


    Cooling via one hand improves physical performance in heat-sensitive individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A preliminary study

    Modeling Uhthoff's phenomenon in MS patients with internuclear ophthalmoparesis.
    Davis SL, Frohman TC, Crandall CG, Brown MJ, Mills DA, Kramer PD, Stuve O, Frohman EM.  Neurology. 2008 Mar 25;70(13 Pt 2):1098-106. Epub 2008 Feb 20.


    Cool Down MS
    Valeo, Tom. Neurology Now. 
    May/June 2007.
    Volume 3(3)
    p 40-41, American Academy of Neurology.

    Advanced lightweight cooling-garment technology: functional improvements in thermosensitive patients with multiple sclerosis.
    Meyer-Heim A, Rothmaier M, Weder M, Kool J, Schenk P, Kesselring J.
    Mult Scler. 2007 Mar;13(2):232-7. Epub 2007 Jan 29.


    Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis
    By Stuart D. Cook
    Page 289 "Body Cooling"  2006

    Evaluation of a single session with cooling garment for persons with multiple sclerosis--a randomized trial.
    Nilsagard Y, Denison E, Gunnarsson LG.
    Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2006 Sep;1(4):225-33.


    Experts Examine Cooling Therapy for MS
    John C. Martin, MS Neighborhood, February 2005

    Effects of peripheral cooling on intention tremor in multiple sclerosis
    P Feys, W Helsen, X Liu, D Mooren, H Albrecht, B Nuttin, P Ketelaer.
    Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2005 Mar; v.76(3):373-9.

    MS and Cooling the Body Before or During Exercise
    Medical News Today November, 2005


    MSAA Brochure "Multiple Sclerosis and Cooling, Third Edition" 2004


    A randomized controlled study of the acute and chronic effects of cooling therapy for MS.
    Schwid SR, Petrie MD, Murray R, Leitch J, Bowen J, Alquist A, Pelligrino R, Roberts A, Harper-Bennie J, Milan MD, Guisado R, Luna B, Montgomery L, Lamparter R, Ku YT, Lee H, Goldwater D, Cutter G, Webbon B; NASA/MS Cooling Study Group. Neurology. 2003 Jun 24;60(12):1955-60.

    The cooling-suit: case studies of its influence on fatigue among eight individuals with multiple sclerosis.
    Flensner G, Lindencrona C.
    Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2002 Mar;37(6):541-50.


    Thermal regulatory responses to submaximal cycling following lower-body cooling in humans
    Thad E. Wilson, Stephen C. Johnson, Jack H. Petajan
    Scott L. Davis, Eduard Gappmaier
    Maurie J. Luetkemeier, Andrea T. White


    Cooling Vest Improves Symptoms for MS Patients
    American Academy of Neurology, September 2001

    Cooling Vest May Help Ease MS Symptoms
    Care Cure Community September, 2001

    Cooling Vest Aids MS Symptoms
    BBC News September, 2001

    Exercise in 94°F Water for a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
    Colleen Peterson
    Physical Therapy April 2001 col. 81 no. 4 1049-1058

    Cooling garment treatment in MS: Clinical improvement and decrease in leukocyte NO production 


    Effect of precooling on physical performance in multiple sclerosis
    A T White, T E Wilson, S L Davis, J H Petajan
    Mult Scler June 2000 6176-180doi:10.1177/135245850000600307

    Department of Neurology, Lnssjukhuset, SE-30185 Halmstad, Sweden March 2000

    Physiologic and functional responses of MS patients to body cooling.
    Ku YT, Montgomery LD, Lee HC, Luna B, Webbon BW.
    American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2000 Sep-Oct;79(5):427-34.

    Effect of cooling suit treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis evaluated by evoked potentials.
    Kinnman J, Andersson T, Andersson G.
    Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2000 Mar;32(1):16-9.

    Taming the DOG DAYS. (Caring for heat intolerance symptoms)
    Smith, David W.E.
    Inside MS Magazine. June 22, 2000. 



    Physiologic and thermal responses of male and female patients with multiple sclerosis to head and neck cooling.
    Ku YT, Montgomery LD, Wenzel KC, Webbon BW, Burks JS.
    Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1999 Sep-Oct;78(5):447-56.

    The cooling-suit: a study of ten multiple sclerosis patients' experiences in daily life.
    Flensner G, Lindencrona C.
    J Adv Nurs. 1999 Jun;29(6):1444-53. Erratum in: J Adv Nurs 1999 Sep;30(3):775. 


    [Local ice application in therapy of kinetic limb ataxia. Clinical assessment of positive treatment effects in patients with multiple sclerosis]
    Albrecht H, Schwecht M, Pollmann W, Parag D, Erasmus LP, Konig N.
    Nervenarzt. 1998 Dec;69(12):1066-73. German. 


    Body cooling may not improve somatosensory pathway function in multiple sclerosis.
    Robinson LR, Kraft GH, Fitts SS, Schneider V.
    Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1997 May-Jun;76(3):191-6.

    Enhancement of Cognitive Processing by Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Liquid Cooling Technology: A Case Study
    Montgomery L.D., Montgomery R.W., and Ku Y.E. Submitted in 1998 for publication to Am. Journal Phys Med Rehabil. 


    Clinical and Immunological Effects of Cooling in Multiple Sclerosis
    P.K. Coyle 
    Department of Neurology, HSC T-12, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794  1996

    Hemodynamic and thermal responses to head and neck cooling in men and women.
    Ku YT, Montgomery LD, Webbon BW.
    Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 1996 Nov-Dec;75(6):443-50.


    Quantification of Uhthoff's phenomenon in multiple sclerosis: a magnetic stimulation study

    Laryngeal Uhthoff's phenomenon: a case report.
    Pringle CE, McEwan LM, Ebers GC.
    Mult Scler. 1995 Nov;1(3):163-4.

    Lowering body temperature with a cooling suit as symptomatic treatment for thermosensitive multiple sclerosis patients.
    Capello E, Gardella M, Leandri M, Abbruzzese G, Minatel C, Tartaglione A, Battaglia M, Mancardi GL.
    Ital J Neurol Sci. 1995 Nov;16(8):533-9.


    Thermal sensitivity in demyelinating neuropathy.
    Chaudhry V, Crawford TO, DeRossett SE.
    Muscle Nerve. 1993 Mar;16(3):301-6.


    Increased visual impairment after exercise (Uhthoff's phenomenon) in multiple sclerosis: therapeutic possibilities.
    van Diemen HA, van Dongen MM, Dammers JW, Polman CH.
    Eur Neurol. 1992;32(4):231-4.


    [Effect of exposure to different temperatures on the clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis]
    Zavalishin IA, Nevskaia OM.
    Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1983;83(2):170-3. Russian. 

    Persistent neurological deficit precipitated by hot bath test in multiple sclerosis.
    Berger JR, Sheremata WA.
    JAMA. 1983 Apr 1;249(13):1751-3.


    [On the temperature sensitivity of multiple sclerosis patients (author's transl)]
    Brenneis M, Harrer G, Selzer H.
    Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr Grenzgeb. 1979 Jun;47(6):320-5. German. 


    Effect of body temperature on visual evoked potential delay and visual perception in multiple sclerosis
    Regan D, Murray TJ, Silver R.
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1977 Nov;40(11):1083-91.

    Improvement in multiple sclerosis during prolonged induced hypothermia.
    Symington GR, Mackay IR, Currie TT.
    Neurology. 1977 Mar;27(3):302-3.


    A possible means of monitoring the progress of demyelination in multiple sclerosis: effect of body temperature on visual perception of double light flashes.
    Galvin RJ, Regan D, Heron JR.
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1976 Sep;39(9):861-5.


    Altered thermal sensitivity in injured and demyelinated nerve
    A possible model of temperature effects in multiple sclerosis


    Effect of Lowering of Body Temperature on the Symptoms and Signs of Multiple Sclerosis


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