"Another great polar therapy pad!!!!!"
MARGARET BRYAN on 11/2/2023 5:57:45 PM
Details: This foot therapy pad replaced all pain medication and made my foot feels so much better. I have the shoulder, knee, hand and now the foot therapy pad and it was a life saver.
Location: Tyrone, Pa.
Would you recommend this to a friend?: I already have recommended this to many people.
"Great product!"
David Albers on 7/27/2023 12:24:31 PM
Details: The foot and ankle product really covers and impressive area of the foot and ankle. It is comfortable and easy to use.
Location: Florida
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yes
"Polar Ice wins!"
James Wickstrom on 3/6/2023 9:30:25 AM
Details: After enjoying the Polar Ice therapy pad for my new knee, I ordered one for my ankle but it was not helping so I called back Polar Ice and they are sending me another wrap around ice therapy pad! Who does this? They are SO supportive and know what works for everyone! What a great company.
Location: Carlsbad, CA
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yep
"Perfect for Stress Fracture"
Edward Morris on 6/6/2022 3:35:15 PM
Details: The cooling boot is perfect for arthritis and strained ankles. I have a stress fracture in my foot and the cooling therapy boot works wonderfully.
Location: Foot
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yes
"Ice boot"
Stacy Lybbert on 3/15/2022 10:18:40 AM
Details: I had my foot rebuilt and after two weeks of a 16-week recovery, I was able to use the foot and ankle pad that acts like a boot with my ice machine. It was a total game changer from icing with a flat pad like I used for my knee.
Location: SLC, UT
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Most definitely
"Foot and ankle pad"
Wade Reese on 2/28/2022 11:32:02 AM
Details: This product is a lifesaver if you need constant cooling on a replacement or damaged joint. Excellent product.
Location: USA
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Highly recommend